Monday, August 18, 2014

God's Been Good to Me

I am often told that I have a great attitude and a lot of joy for one battling breast cancer. I'm going to have to agree. I do have a lot of joy. God continues to bless my socks off and  assures me that He is with me every step of the way. I'm so excited to share some of the things He has done.

"My mouth is filled with your praise, declaring your splendor all day long."
Psalm 71:8

On July 31st (8 days after my 1st round of chemo), I was admitted into the hospital with a fever, thrush, mouth sores, and an acne-like rash. I spent the next 7 days getting a cocktail of antibiotics before being released. I was more concerned about my loss of finances than I was about my health. 

I'm so thankful that my landlord, John, was available to look after my two dogs. The blessing continued when John waived my rent for the month of September!!

I had my 2nd round of chemo on August 13th followed by an injection of Neulasta to promote white blood cell growth. I was delighted to be accompanied by my dear friends, Bonnie, Heather, and Natilee. It was quite the social event. 

Post-chemo hasn't brought any flu-like symptoms as I had after the first round, however, I am more fatigued and my hands and feet have been tingly (a sign of temporary nerve damage -- a common side effect).

More blessings after church service this past Sunday... I was overwhelmed with the outpouring of love by fellow believers praying over me. It's so important to be in fellowship. I am often reminded of this verse:

"Let us not give up meeting together, as some are in the habit of doing, but let us encourage one another -- and all the more as you see the Day approaching."
 Hebrews 10:25

By the way, I drove to church in my '94 Mazda that was sold to me by a woman I have never met for $1. Yes, that's ONE DOLLAR. She drove over 11 hours to deliver it to me here in San Diego. Thank you, Jeanne B.!

Did I mention that God's been good to me? God's ALWAYS been good.

Please continue to pray for healing & God's provision and if you'd like to make a donation, please click on the "Deidre - Cancer Free or Bust" link located in the upper right corner. 

Thank you all for keeping me in your thoughts and prayers,

oxox Deidre


  1. Dear Deidre- Thank you for letting us join you in your journey. Your faith is such an encouragement. Praying with you for each step, for grace and strength to carry you. Thankful we are sisters in Christ with SO much to look forward to. Love & Blessings, Kathleen
