Monday, November 17, 2014

I Have Finished Chemo.

Have you ever had one of those mornings when you wake up feeling lousy? You think to yourself, " I wonder if I look as bad as I feel?" You look in the mirror and ... well...

On Wednesday, November 5th, I had my 6th and final chemo treatment. The side effects from the last three were really rough. There were times when I questioned if I could complete the chemo. The nausea, muscle cramps, bone pain, deteriorating finger and toenails, digestive issues, insomnia, fatigue, etc., intensified and lingered with each passing treatment.

I had an end-of-chemo mammogram and MRI which showed zero signs of the invasive cancer. YEAH! Now I am awaiting the appointment with my surgical oncologist on November 20th to discuss what to expect after the mastectomy and hopefully coordinate a surgery date with my plastic surgeon. I still have to go to the infusion center for about 14 more rounds of the targeted drug, Herceptin, since it needs to be administered for a year to be effective. I should be finished with that in August 2015.

I'm really nervous about the mastectomy, so I would appreciate it if you would pray that the surgery is a success.

Lots of love,



  1. I will be (and am) praying for you dear one.
    “Never will I leave you;
    never will I forsake you.”
    Hebrews 13:5b
    The I AM is with you.

    1. Our Father's word is so comforting. This is a great verse. Thank you, Kathleen. 💜

  2. Deidre,
    You are in my prayers.
    Big hug!

  3. Keep Pressing on Deidre!! You are warrior!!! You are an inspiration!! Lots of love hope faith and positive healing vibes to you!!! HUGS HUGS HUGS!!!
