Saturday, May 24, 2014

Well, it's about time!

Three Days Worth!   

Thursday, May 22
It's been 18 days since I sat in my surgical oncologist's office to received the news that I would need a mastectomy.  It's been 11 days since the Tumor Board returned with a second opinion supporting the surgical decision. It has also been 11 days since I was told that, although I am a candidate for immediate breast reconstruction, my surgical oncologist and plastic surgeon were affiliated with different hospitals, so I would have to begin breast reconstruction at a future date. Nine days ago, I successfully switched doctors and am currently a patient of UCSD Moores Cancer Center. Today, I have an appointment/consultation with my new surgical oncologist. I'm pretty excited!

Friday, May 23
Wow, what a day. UCSD Moores Cancer Center is amazing! They have a living garden, cancer resource library, cancer education workshops, nutrition, cooking, and fitness classes... and an amazing staff of nurses, resource coordinators, case workers, case managers, therapists... the list goes on and on!

Dr. Blair is my general surgeon/surgical oncologist. She examined me and looked over my charts. Here are some things she said (to the best of my recollection):

1.The tumor feels bigger than 2 cm (1 inch); feels more like 4 or 5 cm. 
2.Thinks the original diagnosis is not completely accurate... concerned that may have
   invasive cancer.
3. More fact finding is needed: 
          a. I had cbc and comprehensive metabolic panel blood work drawn today
          b. MRI & mammogram needs to be scheduled with UCSD imaging
          c. Another biopsy
4. Once the type of cancer has been determined, we can decide what type of surgery:
          a. If the cancer is highly aggressive/invasive, we want to get the cancer out, so a
              mastectomy will be in order. If the cancer or tumor is at least 2 cm away from
              the nipple, a nipple and/or skin sparing mastectomy may be performed.
          b. If the cancer is aggressive, but responds to chemo to shrink it, then that will
              allow for a lumpectomy and breast reduction. 
My next appointment with Dr. Blair will probably be the third week of June. She will have had the opportunity to review my blood work, MRI, and mammogram. 

TODAY! Saturday, May 24
Hello! Mel here. I just finished talking to Deidre this morning. She is so grateful for all the love and support everyone is showing her. (a special thanks from me to our sweet Bonnie for taking Dee to her appointment this week and being such an amazing advocate and note taker for her!) Deidre is looking forward to her Life Group tomorrow. They are doing a community outreach and she is super-excited to help serve the homeless! 

Have a happy Saturday and please take a moment to pray for Deidre! 

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